Great Dominion
We are committed to supporting
neonatal families.
Great Dominion has been established to support families from diverse backgrounds within Special Care Baby Units in the United Kingdom and Nigeria by:
- Creating a greater sense of serene and emotionally comfortable environment for both babies and their families. Such a care environment will encourage concerns to be raised and pertinent questions asked in a peaceful space with understanding and mutual respect.
- Promoting greater harmony and mutual respect for families’ cultural, emotional and faith/belief needs (including those with no faith/belief), when presented with medical diagnosis or prognosis with regards to their baby or older child.
Our Vision
To strive towards excellence by providing effective and reliable responses to identified and additional needs of families of special care babies.
Long Term Vision
Great Dominion plans to support research into rare genetic disorders, which affect neonates and babies.
How We Got Started
I was born on the 26th August 2019 , although I was born at 36 weeks and 5 days old and was initially intubated for three hours, I was doing well and extubated afterwards, and looking forward to going home. However, a few days after my birth, I began to struggle with my breathing. I was supported with oxygen and later put in a ventilator.
My family was in shock at what was going on, as the medical team tried to understand the change in my health circumstances and wellbeing. Both my family and medical staff sought answers by carrying out various tests to try and make me better.
Days turned into weeks and weeks rolled into months. One day, my parents got called in by medical team to be told that all efforts had been exhausted and that, they were sorry there was nothing more that could be done for me. I heard my mum’s cries, I felt her pains ,I felt my dad’s tears and heard my big brother and sister’s sweet prayerful voice every morning, through phone calls and every evening by my bed side. Within all these pains and confusion, my Mum and Dad still held on to hope and their faith as they prayed for a beautiful miracle. Their faith in God became their only hope.
I am a Beautiful Miracle.
My parents after getting this disheartening news, together with siblings, relatives and friends they searched both the physical and spiritual realm, God, for answers, whilst the medical team searched through medical literature, and platforms for answers. I later got baptised in hospital. Two days after my baptism, to show what I was made of, the strength God bestowed on me, I pulled my ventilating tube out and began to breathe on my own without the aid of a ventilator, just for 22 hours!
Where We Are
The Charity will provide the following:
- Mental Health Support
- Physical and Material Support
- Mediation and Psychological Support
- Bereavement support for siblings of neonates
- Consultation and Engagement
- Connecting parents
Supporting Neonatal Families
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Support for families with babies in special care.